Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community


Campaign Creative Direction, Web Design, Custom Illustrations and Infographics

A campaign through nonprofit Tobacco Free CA, the Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community campaign was a statewide collaboration with the goal of improving the health of Californians through changes in local stores.

The campaign and promotional materials were due for a facelift including both content and visuals. Working with PR agency Golin on content, the redesign was backed by the Tobacco Free CA team with board approval.


The original design for this campaign did not explain at all what the purpose of the campaign was up front and why it was important. It hit the user immediately with facts and dark, lifeless colors.


The final design explained clearly the purpose and meaning behind the campaign above the fold. With renewed energy and custom icons, a story was told with both facts and imagery engaging the user to want to scroll to learn more.

Updating the Navigation

A major pain point from the original design was the confusing navigation. Trying to get to over 50 individual county specific pages was confusing and tedious.

By incorporating a simpler search and filter functions, the user was able to access county data faster.

A full site revision on information architecture was also approached up front in the wire framing stage to better organize the resources Tobacco Free CA had buried in the original site design.

Additional Work